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matlab.gams.control.options.TraceOpt Class Reference

Trace file format option. More...

Public Attributes

string select
 Selection of enum options.
integer value
 Value of enum options.

Static Public Attributes

static final SolverAndGAMSStepTrace = 1
 Solver and GAMS exit trace.
static final SolverAndGAMSStepTraceWOHeaders = 0
 Solver and GAMS step trace.
static final SolverStepTraceOnly = 2
 Solver trace only.
static final TraceFileFormatGAMSPerformanceWorld = 3
 Solver trace only in format used for GAMS performance world.
static final TraceFileFormatSupportingNLPEC = 4
 Trace file format supporting NLPEC.
static final TraceFileWithAllAvailableTraceFields = 5
 Gams exit trace with all available trace fields.
static final UndefinedTraceOpt = 6
 Undefined option.

Detailed Description

Trace file format option.

See also