

    In this category, settings can be made that affect the symbols displayed in MIRO in terms of their name or arrangement. Changes made in this category are automatically saved.

    Symbol and Column Names

    Under the heading Naming, the names of the GAMS symbols displayed in MIRO can be adapted. This includes the labels of the tabs displayed for each symbol as well as the table column headers.

    • Specify symbol alias:
      Specification of the labels of the symbol tabs.
      Symbol alias
    • Specify column headers:
      To adjust a column header, the corresponding element must be deleted and replaced with a new one.
      Column headers

    Symbol Order

    Here you can adjust the tab order in which the symbols are to be displayed in MIRO. To do this, simply drag and drop the symbols into the desired order.


    If symbols have been grouped using the grouping option, only the individual symbols and not the configured groups are displayed here. If you want to change the position of a group, drag and drop the symbols that belong to this group to the desired position.

    Symbol Groups

    Multiple tabs of input symbols (or output symbols) can be grouped together. All symbols in a group are either displayed in a separate tab or on the same tab.

    If you decide to display symbols on the same tab, you can also select how many symbols should be displayed per row (side by side).

    Input widgets can also be grouped. The order of the widgets can be changed directly when specifying the group members.
    Note that adding or removing widgets does not automatically update the dropdown menus for selecting group members. You must restart the Configuration Mode for these changes to be reflected here.

    For the input data of the transport model, one might want to group the symbols with geodata together:

    Specify input groups

    Which is displayed in the MIRO App as follows:

    Input group in MIRO

    Aggregate Scalar Widgets

    If enabled, all scalar input widgets (slider, dropdown menu, etc.) are displayed in the same tab and separated otherwise.

    Hide Output Symbol Tabs

    For some charts, it may be desirable to use additional data of an output symbol that should not be displayed in the user interface. Currently, only custom renderers support using data from more than one symbol (also hidden ones). Note that the data of hidden symbols belongs to a scenario just like visible symbols and is therefore also stored in the database. They are only hidden in the user interface.

    Hide Output Scalars

    You can use data of scalar output symbols in graphics, while not displaying the scalars themselves in the scalars table. In the following example from the Pickstock model, the scalar output value "end of training phase" was integrated into the chart to mark the end of the training phase:

    Scalar value in graph

    In this case you may not want to see the value in the scalars table, but it is required for this chart. With this option you can do exactly that, i.e. use scalar values in charts that are otherwise not visible in MIRO.