Category : GAMS NOA library
Mainfile : rocket.gms
Goddard Rocket.
Maximize the final altitude of a vertically launched rocket, using the
thrust as a control and given the initial mass, the fuel mass, and the
drag characteristics of the rocket.
This model is from the COPS benchmarking suite.
The number of discretization points can be specified using the
command line parameter.
COPS performance tests have been reported for nh = 50,
100, 200, 400
* Dolan, E D, and More, J J, Benchmarking Optimization
Software with COPS. Tech. rep., Mathematics and Computer
Science Division, 2000.
* Bryson, A E, Dynamic Optimization. Addison Wesley, 1999.
$if set n $set nh %n%
$if not set nh $set nh 1000
set h intervals / h0 * h%nh%/
h_0 Initial height / 1 /
v_0 Initial velocity / 0 /
m_0 Initial mass / 1 /
g_0 Gravity at the surface / 1 /
nh Number of intervals in mesh / %nh% /
r_c Thrust constant /3.5/
v_c / 620 /
h_c / 500 /
m_c / 0.6 /
m_f final mass
c ;
* Constants:
c = 0.5*sqrt(g_0*h_0);
m_f = m_c*m_0;
D_c = 0.5*v_c*(m_0/g_0);
variable final_velocity
variables step step size
v(h) velocity
ht(h) height
g(h) gravity
m(h) mass
r(h) thrust
d(h) drag ;
* Bounds:
ht.lo(h) = h_0;
r.lo(h) = 0.0;
r.up(h) = r_c*(m_0*g_0);
m.lo(h) = m_f;
m.up(h) = m_0;
* Initial values:
ht.l(h) = 1;
v.l(h) = ((ord(h)-1)/nh)*(1 - ((ord(h)-1)/nh));
m.l(h) = (m_f - m_0)*((ord(h)-1)/nh) + m_0;
r.l(h) = r.up(h)/2;
step.l = 1/nh;
d.l(h) = D_c*sqr(v.l(h))*exp(-h_c*(ht.l(h)-h_0)/h_0);
g.l(h) = g_0*sqr(h_0/ht.l(h));
* Fixed values for variables:
ht.fx('h0') = h_0;
v.fx('h0') = v_0;
m.fx('h0') = m_0;
m.fx('h%nh%') = m_f;
equations df(h) Drag function
gf(h) Gravity function
h_eqn(h), v_eqn(h), m_eqn(h);
obj.. final_velocity =e= ht('h%nh%');
df(h).. d(h) =e= D_c*sqr(v(h))*exp(-h_c*(ht(h)-h_0)/h_0);
gf(h).. g(h) =e= g_0*sqr(h_0/ht(h));
h_eqn(h-1).. ht(h) =e= ht(h-1) + .5*step*(v(h) + v(h-1));
m_eqn(h-1).. m(h) =e= m(h-1) - .5*step*(r(h) + r(h-1))/c;
v_eqn(h-1).. v(h) =e= v(h-1)
+ .5*step*((r(h) - D(h) - m(h) *g(h)) /m(h)
+(r(h-1) - D(h-1) - m(h-1)*g(h-1))/m(h-1));
model rocket /all/;
$ifThenI x%mode%==xbook
solve rocket using nlp maximizing final_velocity;
$ifThenI x%mode%==xbook
file res1 /m9.dat/;
put res1
loop(h, put r.l(h):10:7, put/)
* End rocket
*------------------ Numerical Experiments I have obtained ----------------
* January 15, 2011
* Variant 1:
* nh=500
* m=2502, n=3007
* 1997 iterations, 22.713 seconds
* vfo=1.012836666
* 70 major iterations, 91 minor iterations, 171 functions evaluations
* 5.89 seconds
* vfo=1.01262977
* iter=43, fev=2781, 0.230 seconds
* vfo=1.102603
* Variant 2:
* nh=1000
* m=5003, n=6008
* 2700 iterations, 49.801 seconds
* vfo=1.012835932
* 71 major iterations, 93 minor iterations, 164 functions evaluations
* 19.327 seconds
* vfo=1.0123973821
* 35 iterations, 38.846 seconds
* vfo=1.012243