This model reads data from different sources. With... --datainput=GAMS an GAMS include file is used --datainput=EXCEL an Excel file is read using gdxxrw --datainput=ACCESS an Access file is read using mdb2gms --datainput=CSV an CSV file is read using csv2gms Contributor: Michael Bussieck
Category : GAMS Data Utilities library
Main file : readdata.gms includes : readdata.gms stocks.xlsx stocks.accdb stocks.csv
$title Read Data from .inc, .xlsx, .accdb and .csv file
This model reads data from different sources. With...
--datainput=GAMS an GAMS include file is used
--datainput=EXCEL an Excel file is read using gdxxrw
--datainput=ACCESS an Access file is read using mdb2gms
--datainput=CSV an CSV file is read using csv2gms
Contributor: Michael Bussieck
$if %system.filesys% == UNIX $abort.noError 'This model cannot run on a non-Windows platform';
sets days
parameters val(stocks,days) closing value
valX(days,stocks) closing value permuted indices
return(stocks,days) daily returns - derived;
$if not set datainput $set datainput GAMS
$ifI %datainput%==GAMS $goTo datGAMS
$ifI %datainput%==EXCEL $goTo datEXCEL
$ifI %datainput%==ACCESS $goTo datACCESS
$ifI %datainput%==CSV $goTo datCSV
$abort 'No data input %datainput% known'
$label datGAMS
$goTo continue
$callTool win32.msappavail Excel
$if errorlevel 1 $abort.noError "No Excel available"
$onEcho >
dset days rng=stockdata!b1 cdim=1
dset stocks rng=stockdata!a2 rdim=1
par val rng=stockdata!a1 rdim=1 cdim=1
$call gdxxrw trace=0
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort 'problems with reading from Excel'
$goTo gdxinput
$label datACCESS
$callTool win32.msappavail Access
$if errorlevel 1 $abort.noError "No Access available"
$onEcho >
Q1=select Stock,StockDate,ClosingValue from stockdata
Q2=select distinct(StockDate) from stockdata
Q3=select distinct(Stock) from stockdata
$call mdb2gms > %system.nullfile%
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort 'problems with reading from Access'
$goTo gdxinput
$label datCSV
$onEcho > csv2gms.gms
alias (*,s,d);
parameter val(s,d) /
$onDelim offlisting
$include stocks.csv
$offDelim onlisting
sets stocks(s), days(d);
option stocks<val, days<val;
$call gams csv2gms lo=%gams.lo% gdx=stocks
$ifE errorLevel<>0 $abort 'problems with reading from CSV file'
$goTo gdxinput
$label gdxinput
$gdxIn stocks
$load days stocks val
$label continue
alias (stocks,sstocks);
return(stocks,days-1) = val(stocks,days)-val(stocks,days-1);
upper(stocks,sstocks) = ord(stocks) <= ord(sstocks);
lower(stocks,sstocks) = not upper(stocks,sstocks);
set d(days) selected days
s(stocks) selected stocks
* select subset of stocks and periods
d(days) = ord(days) >1 and ord(days) < 31;
s(stocks) = ord(stocks) < 51;
parameter mean(stocks) mean of daily return
dev(stocks,days) deviations
covar(stocks,sstocks) covariance matrix of returns (upper)
totmean total mean return;
mean(s) = sum(d, return(s,d))/card(d);
dev(s,d) = return(s,d)-mean(s);
* calculate covariance
* to save memory and time we only compute the uppertriangular
* part as the covariance matrix is symmetric
covar(upper(s,t)) = sum(d, dev(s,d)*dev(t,d))/(card(d)-1);
totmean = sum(s, mean(s))/(card(s));
variables z objective variable
x(stocks) investments;
positive variables x;
equations obj objective
retcon return constraint
obj.. z =e= sum(upper(s,t), x(s)*covar(s,t)*x(t)) +
sum(lower(s,t), x(s)*covar(t,s)*x(t));
budget.. sum(s, x(s)) =e= 1.0;
retcon.. sum(s, mean(s)*x(s)) =g= totmean*1.25;
model qp1 /all/;
* Some solvers need more memory
qp1.workfactor = 10;
solve qp1 using nlp minizing z;
display x.l;